New Bible Study Worksheets — Matthew 19-21

I’ve just added thirteen new Bible studies to the website. You can download the Bible study worksheets or look up the individual chapters: Matthew 19, Matthew 20, Matthew 21.


In Matthew 19 and 20, Jesus continued to teach his disciples about divorce, how to enter the kingdom of heaven, and who would be considered ‘great.’ Jesus then healed two blind men.

In chapter 21, Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey and colt. He drove out from the Temple, all those buying, selling and changing money. At the end of the chapter, Jesus talked with the priests and elders and taught about them using parables.

The thirteen Bible studies in this series look at the following topics:

Divorce, Little Children, The Rich Man and the Kingdom of Heaven, God’s Generosity, Warning of Jesus’ Death, Become a Servant, Blind Men Receive Sight, Jesus Enters Jerusalem, Jesus Clears the Temple, The Fig Tree, Jesus’ Authority, Two Sons, The Tenants.

Bible Study Structure

Each Bible study has four questions. The four questions follow a model based on the anagram READ.

1. Research

Look at the Bible text in more detail.

2. Explore

Look for themes throughout the Bible.

3. Apply

Look back at examples from your own life or those around you.

4. Do

Look forward to the future, and plan any changes you need to make.

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