New Bible Study Worksheets — Matthew 22-25

I’ve just added fourteen new Bible studies to the website. You can download the Bible study worksheets or look up the individual chapters: Matthew 22, Matthew 23, Matthew 24, and Matthew 25.


In Matthew 22, the Pharisees and Sadducees tried to trap Jesus. In chapter 23, Jesus warned against their hypocrisy and spoke out against them.

In Matthew 24, Jesus predicted the destruction of the Temple, the End Times and his second coming. Then, in chapter 25, Jesus gave his disciples three parables to teach them how to prepare for his return.

The 14 Bible studies in this series look at the following topics:

The Wedding Banquet, Give to Caesar, Life After Death, The Greatest Commandment, Whose Son is He? Humble Yourself, Calling Out Hypocrisy, Jesus Loves the Lost, Standing Firm in Persecution, Jesus’ Second Coming, Your Last Day, Wise and Foolish, Faithful Servants, You Did It For Me.

Bible Study Structure

Each Bible study has four questions. The four questions follow a model based on the anagram READ.

1. Research

Look at the Bible text in more detail.

2. Explore

Look for themes throughout the Bible.

3. Apply

Look back at examples from your own life or those around you.

4. Do

Look forward to the future, and plan any changes you need to make.

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