Genesis 7: Commentary


Noah went into the ark. He took with him all the animals that God commanded him to take.

The Hebrew word for commanded him in verse 5 is צִוָּ֖הוּ (ṣiw·wā·hū) from the word צָוָה (tsavah) which means to set over, appoint, constitute, determine, decree, to charge, command, to send with orders, to commission.

The Lord then said to Noah (v1)

In this verse, Genesis refers to God by his personal name יְהוָה֙ (Yahweh) rather than the general term for God אֱלֹהִ֖ים (Elohim) used at the end of chapter 6.

Noah did all that the Lord commanded him (v5)

Noah proved himself upright and righteous in his generation by obeying what the Lord told him. First of all, he listened to God, unlike the rest of the Earth’s population. Secondly, he acted on God’s word.

Noah may have seen boats on the river, but the ark was much bigger than a fishing boat. He acted in faith, relying entirely on God’s designs.

Noah was six hundred years old (v6)

Noah was faithful all through his life, even into his old age. God chose him to do something radically new when he was 600 years old! Just because you are considered old by today’s standards doesn’t mean God won’t give you a new vision. Expect God to use you to do great things. God has a plan and purpose for your life, even up until you take your last breath.

animals … came to Noah and entered the ark (v8-9)

Some people have suggested that Noah had time to buy and collect all the animals he needed. However, the text says the animals came to him. To me, this indicates that they came to him miraculously, somehow led there by God.


The heavens opened, the rain fell and flooded the earth. Noah entered the ark, and the Lord shut him in.

The Hebrew word for ‘and shut in’ in verse 16 is וַיִּסְגֹּ֥ר (way·yis·gōr) from the word, סָגַר (sagar), which means to shut, to shut up, (e.g. to shut up the way against persecutors) to close.

Then the Lord shut him in (v16)

The Lord shut Noah in, and he also led him out.

The Lord closed the door to protect Noah and his family. Not just from the flood but also from the sight of all those people and animals dying.

Sometimes God shuts us into a situation or place for our own good, to protect us from harm. Remember, the God who shut Noah in also led him out.