Genesis 8: Commentary


The flood waters receded, and Noah sent out a raven and a dove to see if the land was dry.

The Hebrew word for dove in verse 8 is הַיּוֹנָ֖ה (hay·yō·w·nāh) from the word יוֹנָה (yonah) which means dove or pigeon (also the name of the prophet Jonah).

God remembered Noah (v1)

God remembered Noah. God does not allow trials to remain forever. Whatever you are going through, God has not forgotten you. He is not too busy. He does not get distracted. He knows where you are, and at the appropriate time, he will say, “Enough! It is finished.”

in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf (v11)

Noah waited in the ark for the waters to subside. He could not see what was happening in the rest of the world. He had to ask for signs from birds. Noah received an olive branch from the dove he sent out. That is how he knew that his confinement was almost at an end.

At Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:10; Luke 3:22). When you are in a season of waiting, ask the Holy Spirit to give you encouragement and hope.


God told Noah to come out of the ark. Once outside, Noah built an altar to God, and God made a promise to Noah.

The Hebrew word for go out in verse 16 is צֵ֖א (ṣê) from the word יָצָא (yatsa), which means to go out, go forth, come forth, issue, descend, escape, spring up, to end.

Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you (v17)

Noah kept all the animals safe and led them out of the ark to freedom.

When you are going through a tough time, look out for other people whom you can help. Even during a difficult trial, God may use you to lead others to freedom.

multiply on the earth and be fruitful (v17)

God shut Noah and his family in the ark. He caused them to be alone but only for a season. Afterwards, God commanded them to increase and be fruitful.

Sometimes God has to shut us into tight places where we can’t escape so that he can bring about change and allow us to prosper when we come out the other side.