Matthew 1: Bible Study

Matthew chapter 1 contains the genealogy of Jesus – that is, the list of all his human ancestors through his adopted father, Joseph. It then recounts how an angel spoke to Joseph and encouraged him to marry Mary, even though she was already pregnant through the Holy Spirit.

You can download Bible Study Worksheets for Matthew 1-4 here.

Can God Use Me? (Matthew 1:1-17)

  • How many names do you recognise in this list? What do you know about them?
  • Which of these people do you most identify with— Tamar (Genesis 38), Ruth (Ruth 1-4), Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11) or Mary (Luke 1:26-38)?
  • Is there anything in your background or past that you believe is stopping you from being used by God?
  • Offer up to God your past experiences so that he can heal, transform, and use them to build his kingdom.

Obedience Takes Courage (Matthew 1:18-25)

  • What do you think was the reaction of Joseph and Mary’s friends and family when they discovered Mary was expecting a baby?
  • Can you think of any other examples in the Bible where people obeyed God but were misunderstood?
  • Has God asked you to do something difficult? Is there anything holding you back?
  • Write down your fears and lay them before God. Ask God to give you the courage to obey him.