Matthew 1: Commentary


The genealogy of Jesus (v1)

The Greek word for genealogy here is γενέσεως [geneseos], which comes from the word genesis. This was also the name given to the first book in the Bible, and it means origin or birth.

This list of names tells us the origin of Jesus Christ. Matthew is setting up Jesus as the Son of King David and the son of Abraham, the founding father of Israel. But in amongst those illustrious names are people with flawed pasts.

Many of the women mentioned in this genealogy had some dubious story or background attached to them: Tamar pretended to be a prostitute and got pregnant by her father-in-law; Ruth was a Gentile convert who became the Great-Grandmother of King David; Uriah’s wife (Bathsheba) was the woman with whom David committed adultery.

Instead of trying to hide these women, Matthew draws attention to them.

Just because your life doesn’t fit the ‘norm,’ don’t be discouraged. Many people before you have come from unorthodox backgrounds and gone on to do great things for God.

The flaws, backgrounds, and even sins of these people didn’t stop God from using them to fulfil his plan and it needn’t stop you.

God can use anyone who gives their life to him.


Before they came together, Mary was found to be pregnant (v18)

Joseph was engaged to Mary, but then he learnt that she was pregnant and the child clearly wasn’t his. If this happened to you how would you feel?

Understandably, Joseph decided to break off the engagement, but he made a plan to do it quietly rather than publicly shaming Mary.

An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream to tell him the impossible had indeed happened. As soon as Joseph woke up, he obeyed the angel and took Mary home as his wife. Everyone else would probably think that Joseph slept with Mary before their marriage took place, but he did not abandon her. He shared in her shame.

Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife (v20)

The Greek word used here for being afraid is φοβηθῇς (phobēthēs) which comes from the word phobeó, a bit like our word phobia. It means to fear, to be afraid, to put to flight, to terrify or frighten.

Joseph was told by God not to run away from this situation but to be obedient and marry Mary.

Joseph believed in God’s word and was obedient to it. He named the child Jesus. At that point, he adopted Jesus as his own son and took full responsibility for his upbringing.

Obedience takes courage – the courage to act without having all the answers to your questions. The courage to do what’s right whilst other people think badly of you.

Don’t let the fear of other people’s opinions stop you from being obedient to God.