Matthew 10: Commentary


In this passage, Jesus called his twelve disciples and sent them out to proclaim the message of the Kingdom of Heaven, heal the sick and drive out demons.

The Greek word for apostles in verse 2 is ἀποστόλων (apostolōn) from the noun ἀπόστολος (apostolos), which means one sent as a messenger or agent, the bearer of a commission, messenger, an apostle.

Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him (v4)

Matthew and the other disciples would most likely have been shocked by Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. Judas experienced Jesus’ ministry and teaching firsthand. Jesus gave him authority to drive out demons and heal diseases, yet he still betrayed Jesus for money.

Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel (v6)

Jesus did not have a scattergun approach to his ministry. He sent his followers to reach specific people at specific times.

In Matthew 10, Jesus sent his disciples to the lost sheep of Israel (the Jews). Later (in the book of Acts), God sent Peter, Paul and others to the Gentiles (those who were not Jews).

Do not get any gold (v9)

We depend on God for everything we have, but there are seasons in life when this takes more faith than others. The disciples had to trust God to provide for their needs, along with the goodwill of other people.

leave that home or town (v14)

Don’t fret if people reject your message about Jesus. You may have to move on to a different place or speak to a different person, but keep faithfully sharing the Gospel.


In these verses, Jesus warned his disciples that they would face persecution.

The Greek word for witness in verse 18 is μαρτύριον (marturion), which means testimony, evidence, mode or matter of solemn declaration.

do not worry about what to say (v19)

Jesus warned his disciples in advance that they would experience persecution so that when the time came, they would not react in anger or fear but rely on God to give them the right words to say.

If the head of the house has been called Beelzebul (v25)

Jesus himself was insulted. Therefore we should not be surprised that people call us names when we follow him. We have Jesus as our role model to show us how to act in those situations.


In these verses, Jesus continued to teach his disciples about the cost of following him.

The Greek word for welcome in verse 40 is δεχόμενος (dechomenos) from the verb δέχομαι (dechomai) which means to take, to receive, to receive into and retain, contain, learn, acquire a knowledge of, admit, grant access to, receive kindly, welcome, entertain, bear with, bear patiently, approve, assent to.

I did not come to bring peace, but a sword (v34)

Jesus came to bring peace between God and man. However, this can cause conflict when people turn against Christians and persecute them because they believe in Jesus.

even a cup of cold water (v42)

Jesus encouraged his disciples that God would reward even small acts of kindness.