Matthew 11: Bible Study

You can download the Bible Study Worksheets here.

Prepare the Way (Matthew 11:1-19)

  • Why did John the Baptist send his disciples to ask if Jesus was “the one who is to come”(v3)?
  • Who was John the Baptist, and what was his role?
  • Can you recall a time when you struggled with doubt?
  • What can we do to prepare the way for our community to meet Jesus?

Repent and Believe (Matthew 11:20-24)

  • Why did Jesus perform miracles? Why did he criticise the towns that did not repent?
  • In which other parts of the Bible are Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom mentioned? What did they do and what happened to them?
  • What stops you from repenting when God confronts you about your sin?
  • Pray for your community to see more miracles and for people to repent and turn to Jesus.

Light Burdens (Matthew 11:25-30)

  • What is a yoke? Why does Jesus say his burden is easy and light to carry (v30)?
  • What does Jesus teach us about little children? (See, for example — Matthew 11:25; 18:1-5; 19:13-15)
  • Has following Jesus ever felt like a heavy burden? What do you find particularly difficult?
  • How can we become more like little children? Ask God to take away your weariness and burdens, and give you his rest.