Matthew 15: Bible Study

You can download the Bible Study Worksheets here.

Outside or Inside? (Matthew 15:1-20)

  • Why did the Pharisees hold so strongly to the tradition of the elders?
  • What made Jesus’ parable in Matthew 15:11 so radical?
  • How should we respond when the traditions of our community conflict with the words of God found in the Bible?
  • Do you struggle with any of the behaviours mentioned in Matthew 15:19? Ask God to purify your heart and change your life from the inside out.

Crumbs of Faith (Matthew 15:21-28)

  • Why did Jesus remain silent when the Canaanite woman cried out to him?
  • In Matthew 10:5-6, Jesus sent his disciples to the lost sheep of Israel, yet in Matthew 28:19, he sent them to all nations. Why did they start their mission with Israel alone, but then later expand it to include everyone else?
  • What has God called you to do? How can you stay focused on that task yet also respond to the needs of those around you?
  • Do you know someone who is suffering? Cry out to God on their behalf.

Feeding 4,000 (Matthew 15:29-39)

  • Given that the disciples had already witnessed Jesus feed over five thousand people, why do you think they still asked him where to find enough bread?
  • Compare and contrast the accounts of the four thousand being fed in Matthew 15:32-39 and the five thousand being fed in Matthew 14:15-21. Can you identify any similarities or differences between the two miracles?
  • Why do we forget the things God has done in our lives?
  • Are you facing a difficult situation? Are you struggling with doubts? Take a moment to remember all the times God has helped you in the past.