Matthew 20: Bible Study

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In this chapter, Jesus shared the parable of the hired workers, discussed who would be great in his kingdom and healed two blind men.

God’s Generosity (Matthew 20:1-16)

  • What does this parable mean? Who are the workers and the owner of the vineyard? Who are the first and the last?
  • What does the Bible say about God’s generosity? (See, for example — Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Psalm 65:9-13; Jeremiah 31:10-14; Malachi 3:10; Matthew 7:11; Luke 15:22-32; Romans 5:5; Ephesians 1:3, 2:7; Philippians 4:19)
  • Have you ever felt that God has treated you unfairly?
  • Do you feel envious because God has been generous to someone else? Talk to God about it. Thank him for what he has done for you.

Warning of Jesus’ Death (Matthew 20:17-19)

  • Why did Jesus warn his disciples about the events that would happen in Jerusalem?
  • Look at Matthew chapters 19-21. Did the disciples listen to Jesus or did they misunderstand his message about his death?
  • How do you think people in modern society view the life and death of Jesus?
  • Take a moment to think about the death and resurrection of Jesus. What impact has it had on your life?

Become a Servant (Matthew 20:20-28)

  • What kind of kingdom do you think James, John and their mother were expecting?
  • Who do you think deserves to sit next to Jesus in his kingdom?
  • Compare the world’s definition of greatness with greatness in the kingdom of God.
  • How can you give your life to serve others? Think of something practical you can do today.

Blind Men Receive Sight (Matthew 20:29-34)

  • What gave the blind men the courage to cry out to Jesus? Why did the crowd try to silence them?
  • Where else does the Bible refer to the son of David? What does the title mean? (See, for example — 2 Samuel 7:1-17; Isaiah 9:6-7; Matthew 1:1, 9:27, 12:23, 21:9, 15, 22:41-45)
  • What lessons can we learn from the two blind men?
  • Do you have something weighing on your heart today? Cry out to Jesus for help.