Matthew 26: Bible Study

Matthew 26 describes Jesus’ final Passover with his disciples. Jesus is betrayed by Judas and then arrested and put on trial. Jesus’ prophecy is fulfilled when Peter denies knowing him.

You can download the Bible Study Worksheets here.

The Plot Against Jesus (Matthew 26:1-5, 14-16)

  • Why did the chief priests and elders want to kill Jesus? What motivated Judas to hand Jesus over to them?
  • Why was it important that Jesus’ death occurred during the Passover festival?
  • Have you ever felt jealous or insecure because of someone else?
  • Are you facing opposition because of your faith? Pray for the strength to endure it with courage.

Very Expensive Perfume (Matthew 26:6-13)

  • Think about the motives of each character in this story. Why did the woman pour out the oil? Why did the disciples feel indignant? Why did Jesus speak so highly of her?
  • Where else does the Bible talk about perfume?
  • How much has it cost you to follow Jesus?
  • What can you give to Jesus as an act of worship?

The Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-30)

  • What is the significance of the Last Supper, and in particular, Jesus’ words in verses 26-29?
  • Read Jeremiah 31:31-34. What is the new covenant? In what ways does it differ from the previous covenants God made with Israel?
  • How important is the Lord’s Supper/Communion to you?
  • Read through this passage once more. Take some bread and wine and thank Jesus that he gave his life for you.

Disowning Jesus (Matthew 26:31-35)

  • How do you think Jesus felt, knowing his friends would abandon, disown, and betray him?
  • In what way do the actions of the disciples fulfil Zechariah 13:7-9?
  • Have your friends ever abandoned or rejected you?
  • Ask God to give you the courage to follow him wherever he lead

Prayer in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46)

  • What does this passage teach us about prayer?
  • In the Bible, what does the cup represent? (See, for example — Psalm 16:5; 23:5; 116:13; Isaiah 51:22; Jeremiah 25:15-18; Matthew 20:22; Luke 22:20; John 18:11; 1 Corinthians 11:25; Revelation 14:10)
  • How can we keep ourselves from getting distracted, bored, or sleepy while praying?
  • Are you facing challenges and feeling overwhelmed? Cry out to God. Ask him to either remove your problems or give you the strength to endure them.

Jesus’ Arrest (Matthew 26:47-56)

  • Why did a large group of people come with swords and clubs to arrest Jesus at night? Why didn’t they arrest him during the day?
  • Where does the Old Testament talk about betrayal? (See, for example — Job 19:19; Psalm 41:7-9; 55:12-14, 20-21)
  • Have you ever misunderstood God’s plan for your life and tried to resist it?
  • Ask God to help you stay faithful to Jesus and remain by his side, no matter what happens.

Jesus Before the Sanhedrin (Matthew 26:57-68)

  • Why did the high priest accuse Jesus of blasphemy?
  • How does Daniel 7:13-14 help us understand the significance of Jesus’ statement about the Son of Man?
  • How would you react if someone brought a false accusation against you?
  • Ask God for the wisdom to know when to speak and when to be quiet. Ask him to give you courage to explain the true identity of Jesus to those who don’t know him.

Peter Disowns Jesus (Matthew 26:69-75)

  • Why did Peter follow Jesus into the courtyard but later disown him? What emotions do you think Peter experienced during this encounter?
  • What does the Bible teach us about the danger of overestimating our own strengths and abilities?
  • Have you ever failed Jesus or let down one of your friends? How did you feel afterwards?
  • Do you feel burdened by past failures? Give them to Jesus and accept his forgiveness. Pray for the strength to stand firm in your faith in the future.