Matthew 28: Bible Study

In Matthew 28, Jesus rises from the dead, but the chief priests try to hush it up. Jesus appears to his disciples and commissions them to make disciples of all nations.

You can download the Bible Study Worksheets here.

Jesus’ Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10)

  • Why did the angel roll away the stone?
  • Look through Matthew chapters 27 and 28. What evidence does Matthew give us to prove that Jesus rose from the dead?
  • Has Jesus’ resurrection changed the way you think about life and death?
  • Who can you tell about Jesus’ resurrection today?

Bribing the Guards (Matthew 28:11-15)

  • If you were one of the guards at Jesus’ tomb, how would you have reacted?
  • How important was the resurrection to the Early Church? Why did the Jewish leaders try to stop people from talking about it? (See, for example — Acts 1:21-22; 2:22-36; 4:1-4, 32-35)
  • Have you ever encountered opposition when talking about Jesus?
  • What can you do to help people understand the truth of Jesus’ resurrection?

Make Disciples (Matthew 28:16-20)

  • What is a disciple? How do we make them?
  • Look back through the book of Matthew. What does it teach us about discipleship?
  • Who baptised you and taught you about Jesus? What can you learn from their example?
  • What can you do to help others become Jesus’ disciples?