Matthew 4: Bible Study

You can download Bible Study Worksheets for Matthew 1-4 here.

Temptation (Matthew 4:1-11)

  • What were the three temptations Jesus faced? Why do you think the Holy Spirit led Jesus out into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil?
  • Read Hebrews 4:15. What other temptations do you think Jesus experienced?
  • Are you facing any particular temptation at the moment? In which areas do you feel most vulnerable?
  • Write out a Bible verse that you can read the next time you experience temptation.

Light in the Darkness (Matthew 4:12-17)

  • How was Jesus’ arrival in Galilee like the dawning of a new day?
  • Read Isaiah 9:1-7. How did Jesus fulfil Isaiah’s prophecy?
  • Are there any areas of your life that seem dark or confused? Can you think of a time when you lived “under the shadow of death”?
  • Ask God to shine his light into the dark areas of your life. Are there any changes he wants you to make?

Following Jesus (Matthew 4:18-22)

  • What similarities are there between catching fish and being a fisher of men?
  • When Jesus called people to follow him, what did he ask them to leave behind (Matthew 8:19-22; Mark 10:21; Luke 5:27-28)?
  • What have you left behind to follow Jesus? What would you find most difficult to give up?
  • Ask God to help you follow him wholeheartedly. Is there is anything that he wants you to give up?

Good News of the Kingdom (Matthew 4:23-25)

  • Jesus began his ministry in Galilee. What three things did he do? (v23) Why do you think large crowds followed Jesus?
  • The word Gospel means Good News. What is the Good News of the Kingdom (v23)?
  • Has God ever healed you or someone you know?
  • How can you share the good news of God’s kingdom with someone today?