Matthew 5: Bible Study

You can download Bible Study Worksheets for Matthew 5-7 here.

How To Be Blessed (Matthew 5:1-12)

  • According to Jesus, what will make you blessed and bring you happiness?
  • •What other things make us blessed according to the Bible? (See, for example — Psalm 1:1-3; 40:4; 41:1-3; 89:14-18; 94:12-15; 106:3; 112:1-2; 119:1-3)
  • What makes us happy according to the world? (Try searching online for the hashtag #blessed)
  • Which of the Beatitudes (“Blessed are you” sayings) do you struggle with the most? Ask God to show you how to be more like Jesus in this area.

Let Your Light Shine (Matthew 5:13-16)

  • What does it mean to let your light shine before men?
  • Matthew 6:2-6 tells us to give and pray in secret. How can we let our light shine without becoming hypocrites?
  • Can you think of any examples of people who “shone a light” through their good deeds and brought others to Jesus?
  • What does God want you to do today to bring him glory?

How To Be Righteous (Matthew 5:17-20)

  • The word righteous means free from guilt and sin. Do you think it is possible to have greater righteousness than the Pharisees? Can a person keep the law perfectly?
  • Read Romans 3:20-24. How can we receive a righteousness that is better than the Pharisees?
  • Have you ever tried to live a perfect life in your own strength? How difficult did you find it? How long did you last before you slipped up?
  • Spend time alone with God. Talk to him honestly about the times you have failed him. Then accept the forgiveness and grace that God has given you through Jesus. Ask God to make you more like Jesus today.

Dealing with Anger (Matthew 5:21-26)

  • According to Jesus, how should we handle our anger?
  • Read Ephesians 4:26-27 and 4:31-5:2. How can we be angry and yet not sin? How do we change our inner attitudes?
  • Have you ever your temper? What were the consequences?
  • Ask God if there is anyone you need to forgive or apologise to. Ask him to give you the courage to take the first step.

Dealing with Lust (Matthew 5:27-32)

  • How does Jesus advise us to act when we are tempted to lust after someone to whom we are not married?
  • Read the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife in Genesis 39. How did Joseph resist temptation?
  • Have you ever been tempted to commit adultery or lust after someone you shouldn’t? Where and when do you think people are most vulnerable to this type of temptation?
  • If you feel trapped in a cycle of lust or sexual sin, ask God for his forgiveness and help. Think about the times when you are most vulnerable to temptation. Before you are tempted again, make a plan listing how you will resist or run away.

The Value of Words (Matthew 5:33-37)

  • What value does Jesus put on our words? How do they reflect our inner character?
  • What happens when we swear falsely by God’s name? Why does God place such importance on our oaths and vows? (See, for example — Leviticus 19:11-12; Numbers 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:21-23; James 5:12)
  • Have you ever failed to keep a vow that you made to God or another person? Can you do something to put that right?
  • Read Psalm 141:3-4. Ask God to guard your lips so that the words coming from your mouth bring him praise.

Love Your Enemies (Matthew 5:38-48)

  • What does it mean to love our enemies? How does Jesus say we should show that love to them?
  • Read Proverbs 25:21-22. How can we practically demonstrate love towards our enemies and what could be the outcome?
  • Has God ever prompted you to show love to someone who hated you? What happened?
  • Do you have any enemies at the moment? Ask God to help you love them.