Matthew 7: Commentary


In this passage, Jesus told his disciples not to judge other people but to concentrate on sorting out their own problems.

The Greek word for judge in verse 1 is κρίνετε (krinete) from the verb κρίνω (krinó), which means to separate, make a distinction between, exercise judgement upon, estimate, judge, call to account, bring under question, bring to trial, try, resolve on, decree, decide, determine, resolve, govern.

with the measure you use it will be measured to you (v2)

If you measure others in metres, you will be measured in metres; If in centimetres, then centimetres; If in nanometers, then nanometers.

If you are a perfectionist about other people’s faults and you nitpick every little thing they do wrong, then you will be held accountable for the slightest mistakes you make.

Perhaps one of the reasons we judge other people harshly is that we do not understand the mercy God has given to us.


In this passage, Jesus told his disciples to trust that their Father in Heaven would give them good gifts when they asked him. He also gave them the command to treat others how they would like to be treated.

The Greek word for ask in verse 7 is Αἰτεῖτε (Aiteite) from the verb αἰτέω (aiteó), which means to ask, request, demand, desire.

how much more will your Father in heaven give (v11)

If you ask your Heavenly Father for any good thing, he will give it to you because he is a loving Father. Our faith is built on the character of God. 1 John 4:8 says that God is love.

do to others what you would have them do to you (v12)

Treat other people the way you would want to be treated.

For instance, if you work in hospitality or retail, treat your customers fairly. Don’t short change them on quality. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Bless people, serve people, and make it an encouraging experience. Trade more than just money and goods: give them a smile, a conversation, a good experience.


Jesus used the metaphor of a narrow gate to describe the way to life. He also warned his disciples about false prophets and false disciples.

The Greek word for fruits in verse 16 is καρπῶν (karpōn) from the noun καρπός (karpos), which means fruit, conduct, actions, benefit, profit, reward.

every good tree bears good fruit (v17)

You can tell who is and is not from God by what they do, not what they say.


Jesus taught his disciples the parable of the wise and foolish builders to teach them to put his words into practice.

The Greek word for wise in verse 24 is φρονίμῳ (phronimō) from the adjective φρόνιμος (phronimos), which means considerate, thoughtful, discreet, sensible, wise.

puts them into practice (v24)

This parable is the conclusion to the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus challenged his disciples to put into practice everything he taught them. Matthew challenges us to do the same.